Over a year ago I saved an article that caught my eye – Businessweek, of all sources, reporting on a study connecting austerity and a spike in HIV in Greece: HIV infections among drug users in Greece jumped more than 20-fold in fewer than two years, fueled by a lack of needle exchange and methadone…
Category: Austerity
Reparations From Banks – NYTimes.com
After five years, the banks are starting to be held to account. Last week, JP Morgan: The government’s attempts to hold banks accountable for their mortgage practices may finally be paying off. On Friday, JPMorgan Chase agreed to pay $5.1 billion to the regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to resolve charges related to…
Bankruptcy for Ailing Detroit, but Prosperity for Its Teams – NYTimes.com
The Detroit slide into bankruptcy is like describing an elephant: hard to know where to start. The narratives circulating about Detroit are all fascinating, sometimes irritatingly (but predictably) simplistic but I think the reporting has improved with time, as reporters are forced to look for new angles. Here’s the New York Times’ latest piece: Detroit’s…
Here Is Every Foreign Country That Gets More Federal Aid Than Detroit – Next City
There’s a lot to say about these kind of comparisons (do we really want to get people to pit struggling cities against (in some cases) struggling countries?) but the raw numbers are interesting. Even more interesting would be a historical comparison of federal aid to Detroit and other U.S. cities (spoiler alert!). I Here Is…
The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S.
Just for good old mapping fun. The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S..