Another Krugman article about austerity, mostly in Britain, where austerity continues to hold sway even as much of continental Europe is embroiled in debates over it: Unlike the governments of, say, Spain or California, the British government can borrow freely, at historically low interest rates. So why is that government sharply reducing investment and eliminating…
Category: Austerity
Vallejo, California, austerity model
Vallejo becomes the model for post-bankruptcy urbanism – is this the future some people would like to see in American cities?: VALLEJO, CALIF. — The first couple of years were ugly. After this working-class port city became the largest in America to declare bankruptcy in 2008, crime and prostitution surged as the police force was…
Foreclosure Relief Money Diverted by Governors
Hundreds of millions of dollars meant to provide a little relief to the nation’s struggling homeowners is being diverted to plug state budget gaps. In a budget proposed this week, California joined more than a dozen states that want to help close gaping shortfalls using money paid by the nation’s biggest banks and earmarked for…
And meanwhile in Greece…
Rising to the fore as the country’s second-most popular party was Syriza, a coalition of left-leaning parties that promised to keep Greece in the euro and, among other things, increase wages, halt public sector layoffs and repudiate Greece’s debt. For the guardians of the monetary union in Europe — not to mention Greece’s political establishment…
Tens of Thousands Protest Austerity in Spain –
European cities continue to see huge protests over austerity, perhaps now bolstered by political gains in France and elsewhere. U.S. media coverage of Greece and Spain continues to be sparse, and there has been little follow-up after the French election. Tens of Thousands Protest Austerity in Spain –